Santa can't wait to see you!
Use this booking form to make your booking to Santa's Grotto.
If you are struggling to book, please call the office on 01292 441210.
If you are a school, nursery, or organised group and wish to book, please call to discuss.

Before You Book!
Be aware of opening and closing hours! If you're booking a late timeslot, arrive at the park earlier to give yourself lots of time to do everything.
Check your booking twice! Due to the popularity of the event, dates and times are not easily changed.
Arrive no later than 20 minutes before your timeslot, as it takes time to get to Santa's Grotto via the North Pole Express.
Read the Terms and Conditions for more info on our rules and procedures.
Total Cost:

Your Booking was successful :)
Some details are missing. Please check your information to continue
Arrive at the park no later than 20 minutes before your Grotto time to ride the North Pole Express!
Our Quiet Christmas event for visitors with ASN runs on the 29th Nov and 2nd Dec.